Weekly Insights & Activations

Each week I share a message designed to activate your calling, inspire your vision, and accelerate your leadership, so you can bring your courageous message to the world.

Monday Insights:

Sign up for #MondayInsights to get a new message in your inbox every Monday Morning.

Tuesday Activations:

Then join our Facebook group, where I go live every Tuesday at 9am Pacific Time to share an activating insight live.

The Latest Insight

How the “Spiritual Zeitgeist” Helps You Innovate

Not everyone thinks about their impact on an industry or larger collective, but there is an emerging group of leaders who are called to impact whole collectives of people.

You might call them visionaries, innovators, or trailblazers…

But the ones I’m talking about are innovating not just based on emerging trends in a market — they are innovating based on an emerging spiritual consciousness that wants to take root in the audience, industry or collective they serve and help shift our culture.

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Following as a leader

Following as a leader

When I tune in and listen for guidance, the message is always, Jeffrey, you’re not the one doing it. You’re not the one doing it, man.
It’s being done through you.
When you’re working with lifeforce, you’re working with something already in motion and already happening.
All we’re asking for you is to be a participating component in what’s already going on.

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When they say you can’t do this…

When they say you can’t do this…

What is it that people are saying you can’t do? What is it that people are saying there isn’t a market for? What is it that you want to do that hasn’t maybe been done before or not the way you are called to do it or maybe not for the market you’re called to do it for?

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Translating the guidance you receive

Translating the guidance you receive

We create the world we know with the stories we tell. Everything we’ve created started as a story, which is the creational tool of our world.
But the Universe doesn’t speak in English (or whatever your native tongue is) – it expresses as frequencies that we do our best to translate into form.

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Want more sales? Give them hope.

Want more sales? Give them hope.

Too often we’re doing our best to identify a pain point and name a problem for our audience.

Are you this type of person experiencing this type of problem?

And while that’s needed because we need to meet people where they’re at… it’s not the end of the work as a messenger – it’s just the start.

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Leading a Movement

Leading a Movement

The leaders we usually credit with ‘starting’ a movement are usually those who put a voice to an energy that’s already in motion – a change that’s already afoot.

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Picking up on your audience’s signals

Picking up on your audience’s signals

Imagine that your audience is sending signals into the field all the time, guiding you right to the buttons in their hearts…
And because you’re designed to support and serve them, you have a special antenna designed to pick up on these signals, tuning in energetically to locate them.

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A New Story for Your Wounds

A New Story for Your Wounds

The dominant story about our wounds is that they come from bad things that happened to us, which damaged us in some way, and are now negatively impacting our lives.
But I hold our wounds as sacred in the same way I see our purpose and mission as sacred.

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Bringing the Warrior to the Party

Bringing the Warrior to the Party

If there’s one thing I see when it comes to people’s messages, it’s that they’re too damn safe.

It’s time to get more rascally and fierce!

Your people need to feel your stake in the ground and know what you’re taking a stand for. That’s when they know what and who you’re committed to!

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Monday Insights

A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.