Weekly Insights & Activations

Each week I share a message designed to activate your calling, inspire your vision, and accelerate your leadership, so you can bring your courageous message to the world.

Monday Insights:

Sign up for #MondayInsights to get a new message in your inbox every Monday Morning.

Tuesday Activations:

Then join our Facebook group, where I go live every Tuesday at 9am Pacific Time to share an activating insight live.

The Latest Insight

What your work wants in 2025

Instead of focusing solely on what you want, the invitation is to listen deeply to what the work you’re called to do wants. What does it desire for itself in the world? What does it ask of you? What does it seek to express through you?

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Optimizing your life for process

Optimizing your life for process

Over the last couple of years I have slowly but surely dismantled the old business model I had, and I’ve been in the process of recreating.

When I’m in a recreation process, I tend to have big emotional waves…

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Homecoming Guides

Homecoming Guides

I’ve always appreciated that phrase that we’re all walking each other back home. The other day while talking with a colleague, she mentioned offhandedly that all of her clients/audience are existentially ‘homeless’.
That idea struck a chord with me because the people in my community have a shared wound around belonging. It’s that raw human place of not feeling like we have a home in the world (or in ourselves).

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Shared Missions

Shared Missions

There are groups of people on the planet that share planetary missions… and the people that are most purposeful for you to work with are those that share a mission with you.

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I am the one

I am the one

Am I the only one? Maybe not. Is my neighbor the one to do their thing? Yes. And is it true that I am the one to do my thing? Yes, absolutely.

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The Calm in your Calling

The Calm in your Calling

If you’re truly on the path of answering your calling, it will stretch you.

Over and over again.

Because every calling vibrates at the frequency of unity consciousness, which rattles the conditioned self.

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Blessing it all

Blessing it all

This is an invitation to bless all things.

Everything becomes blessed by blessing what is…

By claiming that all things are well… even when we don’t know how that’s true.

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Give them HOPE!

Give them HOPE!

A number of years ago, I interviewed a guy named Stephen Goldstein. He’s a former Sr. Producer for Oprah and a former congressional lawyer who regularly put people on the stand in front of the Senate.
Over time he started to see that what made someone a great guest on Oprah were the same things that would make them highly effective on the stand in front of congress.

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Called to serve WHO???

Called to serve WHO???

One of the most mind-bending experiences in answering your calling is when you’re called to serve people who archetypally represent the type of people you’ve felt wounded by.

This is a decidedly second half of the hero’s journey experience…

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Between Identities

Between Identities

When you are called to a new level of your calling, it often entails an evolution in who you’re serving, the service you’re providing, and the role you are playing in society.

It also entails an upleveling of who you think you are.

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Your calling’s time frame: yours or its?

Your calling’s time frame: yours or its?

I’ve been struggling with the time it’s been taking for a project in my business to come together… and I’ve been rather nervous and pissy  about it. Apparently I needed this week’s message… and I hope it serves you as well! 

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What if your calling wasn’t really… yours?

What if your calling wasn’t really… yours?

What if your calling wasn’t really… yours?
What if it were simply a calling that you heard?
What if it was something that was already floating around in the collective – already animated, already alive, already moving in the world, just looking for vehicles of expression…
And because you happened to be a particularly well suited vehicle, you caught wind of it?

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From recognition to belonging

From recognition to belonging

Being known and being recognized are two massively different things. 

Being recognized is being seen, rewarded, valued, and praised for what you can do. 

We recognize and praise Beyoncé for Sasha Fierce – the persona she puts on to stage. 

And if we grew up feeling like we didn’t belong (like so many in the helping/serving professions do)…

We sought out recognition in lieu of true belonging. 

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Monday Insights

A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.