Private ½ Days with Jeffrey
These four-hour intensives are designed to help you clarify, solidify and build a key component of your business, whether that’s:
- Understanding exactly who wants and needs your work, and why.
- Clarifying and crafting your unique message and brand story.
- Expertly packaging and pricing a new program.
The investment for a strategic ½ day with Jeffrey is $5,000 USD (or four payments of $1,375). Each four-hour intensive includes a 30-minute prep-call before your ½ day to ensure that we’re aligned on your needs and objectives. If you aren’t sure which ½ day is right for you, just choose the “design-your-own” option and we’ll clarify your needs in our 30-minute prep call. The booking link for each ½ day option is listed below. If you need a short consult to ensure the ½ day is your right next step, you can book that here: https://thecourageousmessenger.com/connect
I offer these ½ days because there are times when you’re sick of spinning your wheels and you know you need a strategic ally by your side. Sometimes the need arises simply because you haven’t addressed this aspect of your business yet… and other times it’s because you’re building something new and need a thought-partner to help build it.
Below you will find a detailed description of each ½ day, along with a “design-your-own” ½ day option.
Define & Lead Your Audience
This 1/2 day is designed for you if you know you’re on this planet to do amazing, transformative work with your people. Somewhere deep inside you know there are people waiting for you that you’re meant to lead… but you just aren’t sure exactly who they are or how to connect with them. What I’ve discovered is that your life’s biggest challenges and wounds are the training program for your life’s work… and they hold the key to defining who your people are.
In this 1/2 day we will:
- Discover how your life’s challenges have trained you to know and serve your unique audience.
- Clarify exactly who your people are, what they need from you, and why they want to work with you.
- Identify the unique needs your audience has that you’re specifically designed to address.
- Learn how to talk about what you do so that the right people “get it” and respond.
- Know what to highlight in your marketing and sales so your audience recognizes your unique value and is willing to pay a premium for your gifts.
If you’re done second-guessing who your people are, and ready to finally know without question who wants what you’ve got, this 1/2 day is for you.
Craft Your Message & Brand Story
This 1/2 day is designed for you if you know you do unique, powerful work, but frankly, you sound like everyone else. It’s frustrating to know how potent and amazing what you do really is (and see it in your clients every day), but not have the words to accurately share your genius.
In this 1/2 day we’ll:
- Design the key message elements that will have your audience feel like you know them intimately and completely “get” who they are, where they’re at, and what they need (that you can offer).
- Identify the deepest frustrations and struggles your audience has, as well as their greatest hopes and desires, so you stay relevant and timely in all your communication.
- Develop the most important brand-story to tell on your website and in your marketing for your audience to trust you, want you and choose you.
- Craft the conversation flow on your website to lead your best people to your offers.
Your message and brand story is the song you sing in the world… and it’s how you build relationship, trust and connection with your people. If you’re ready to finally have your people see you, get you, follow you and buy from you because of the message and story you share, this 1/2 day is for you.
Package & Price Your Premium Program
This 1/2 day is designed for you if you have a clear idea of what you want to sell and who your target market is, but you’re having a tough time putting it all together into a clear, compelling package designed specifically for your ideal audience.
In this 1/2 day we will:
- Solidify exactly who your program is for and why they need it.
- Identify the problem your audience has that your program is tailor-made to address.
- Create a map for the specific journey you’ll take your clients on, including what’s covered in each step.
- Brand your program, including a title and tagline that speak directly to your audience’s desires.
- Determine the resonant price that you feel excited about, can “stand in,” and will call your people forward.
This is about decoding the work you’re doing organically right now and turning your unconscious competence into something that’s conscious and marketable. If you’re ready to clarify and highlight your best work, elevate the value of it in your client’s eyes, and call your best clients forward, this ½ day is for you.
Design-Your-Own ½ Day
While the three ½ days outlined above address common needs for many of the people in my audience, sometimes you need a tailor-made ½ day designed for your unique needs. The ½ day programs are best when designed to address a focused need, even if that need is to gain focus around an aspect of your business or calling!
In the design-your-own ½ day, we will:
- Align on your specific needs that we’re coming together to address.
- Clarify how those needs further your calling and your business objectives.
- Design the specific outcomes for our time together.
- Craft clear next steps so you can move forward confidently.
If there’s something you believe I can help you with, and you feel that I’m the right person for your next step, the design-your own ½ day is for you.