Message Mastery
Create a compelling message that activates the hunger in your audience… so they get it, want it, and respond.
6-week 1:1 Mentorship Program
Message Mastery
Create a compelling message that activates the hunger in your audience… so they get it, want it, and respond.
6-week 1:1 Mentorship Program
This 1:1 messaging mentorship is for folks who are damn good at what they do but can’t seem to write and talk about their work in a way that works…
If that’s you, I know you’re a smart, gifted go-getter who does valuable, purposeful work. You’ve been doing what you do long enough to have developed a unique approach to your work, and you know nobody else does what you do the way you do it.
When you’re with the right client at the right time under the right circumstances, you create extraordinary results and are an answer to their prayers.
But far too often, you’re not working with the kinds of people who elicit your genius, and you’re not consistently doing projects that truly turn you on.
You’re also not making the kind of money you know you could and should…
And you know that your messaging is a
big part of the problem.
- Your messaging often sounds too generic and doesn’t capture the essence and nature of what you really do or why it matters.
- Your messaging is too fuzzy about your primary promise, so people don’t know precisely what to come to you for or who to refer to you.
- Your messaging doesn’t communicate your uncommon value in a way that allows you to command a premium for the unique value you provide.
As a result, you’re not consistently getting high-quality clients – the ones that light you up and elicit your best. Instead, you have too many people who require you to be in your competency, but outside your genius.
You may also be getting bored and tired (and if you’re really honest, weary at the soul level) with the work you can now do blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back. Worse, you may even have started secretly resenting the work and your clients, which you know will be the demise of your business if you don’t turn it around.
Something’s gotta give.
You want better, higher-paying clients more consistently. You know that how you are talking about your work is not attracting those clients and pulling them into your orbit.
The challenge is that every time you’ve tried to work on your messaging, you haven’t been able to translate the real beauty of your work into marketing and messaging that conveys the energy and truth of what you do.
It either comes out too generic, so it sounds like everything else out there, or it comes out too esoteric so it doesn’t sound grounded, real, and legit. Either way, it falls flat.
When you’ve hired experts to work with, they just don’t seem to get it. They haven’t been able to catch the essence of what you do and help you put it into words to get it out there. It’s all too sterile and doesn’t separate you from others in your field. In fact, sometimes the ‘experts’ have outright tried to commoditize your work, because “it’s what people are buying.”
But great messaging isn’t just about making things sound good or catchy…

It’s about activating a DEEP KNOWING within your audience that you’re the person they’ve been waiting for.
When you have this kind of messaging, you’re able to get your work out there confidently and have the right people respond consistently.
Yes, this requires you to use clear, logical language that has the right people know what to come to you for.
But it also has to be energetically aligned – because the energy in your words is what gives your audience the feeling of your work, which goes beyond words.
That’s when your people can sense what you do and actually get it – so the copy becomes an experience – not just a concept or construct…
And that’s when magic happens.
Here’s the deal…
I only work with people who have honed their unique mastery. This is NOT for people who want help figuring out what they do or who needs it.
You must know that you have mastery and be frustrated as hell that the language you use to talk about what you do is piss-poor in its representation of the magic you deliver.
Words are meant to be activators. I’m gifted in the ability to hone in on the precise words that activate the hunger in your audience.
If your work is an answer to a calling, what you want in a messaging mentor is someone with grounded marketing savvy who is also connected to Spirit and has a sixth sense about how to pull everything together and put it into a compelling package for you and your market.
And that’s what I do.
Introducing: Message Mastery
In this 6-week 1:1 mentorship, we will do 3 primary things:

What’s different about this?
- It’s a customized, 1:1 coaching program
- My attention is focused directly on you, your genius and your life’s work
- We use a mixture of spiritual insights, gut instinct, and marketing savvy to get to the heart of what you do, and then put words to your work… in a way that finally works.
Here’s how we do it:
Week 1 - Defining your next-level audience
In this session, we’ll define the precise audience that needs and is willing to pay a premium for your genius. We’ll also clarify the people who aren’t right for your premium work – so you stop marketing to them, stop letting them into your world, and stop getting drained by not doing your best work.
Week 2 - Defining their precise hunger
In this session, we will dial in the precise hunger this audience has that your mastery uniquely serves. We’ll address the 3 levels of problems every audience has and how to talk about each one, so that your messaging hits the mark with the right people in every aspect of their being.
Week 3 - Crafting your premium offer
In this session, we’ll get to the heart of the hero’s journey that you’re a guide for and craft the offer that brings your clients on this journey. You’ll learn how to make your audience the hero and position yourself as the guide they’ve been looking for (whether they were consciously aware they were looking or not).
Week 4 - Writing your sales letter
In this session, we’ll define your big promise and create the framework for your sales letter – the letter that connects with and converts your premium clients. You’ll develop the key copy components that will have your people feel seen, met, and deeply understood, so they get your value and feel compelled to respond.
Week 5 - Polishing your sales letter
In this session, we’ll refine your sales letter, crafting the precise words and positioning that speak to and connect with your premium clients. You’ll have copy that finally feels right to you, lights you up, and immediately engages, at a gut level, the people you’re meant to work with.
Week 6 - Your story & message in action
Finally, we’ll develop conversational language that you can use at pretty much any place you have the opportunity to talk about what you do. This isn’t a canned ‘elevator speech’ or script – it’s about knowing how to confidently and easily talk about your work in a way that feels natural, compelling, and true… and immediately speaks to the people you’re on earth to serve – even if your work is hard to describe.
I’ll help you define your core story!
Sometimes the difference between just getting by in your business and stepping out into the world as a successful, courageous messenger changing the world with your business is 1 well-crafted story. We’ll identify what this personal story is and how to relate it to the audience and the promise you make in your market.
★ ★ ★ BONUS ★ ★ ★

In this story-marketing program, you’ll:
- Uncover the “one story” your people need to hear to quickly build trust, rapport, and believability.
- Write emails that people actually want to open, click and buy.
- Storify your lead magnets to make them relatable, compelling, and easy to consume.
- Connect with influential podcasters to get your story noticed and amplified.
- Create case studies and testimonials that feel relatable and believable.
- Learn four types of stories to use in all your social media that people will consume, follow, and share.
Remember, the future has always been, and will always be, defined by the stories we tell now.

Is this for me?
This program is for you only if you know you’ve built unique mastery over the years, but are frustrated with your ability to put your magic into words. You know it’s costing you, both financially and in your sense of aliveness and purpose. If you’re new to your craft and still developing your mastery, this program won’t be a good fit for you.
When would that program start?
You can start anytime after purchase, and must complete the program within 6 months of purchase.
How do I schedule my calls?
Once you join, my assistant will reach out to welcome you and schedule our calls. The calls are scheduled based on your availability and mine. We schedule these sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in the Pacific Time zone.
How often do we meet?
Typically we have one session per week for 6 weeks, based on your needs and my availability. Alternatively, we can do one 6-hour VIP-day in person in LA. Of course, because this is a 1:1 program, we have the option to adjust these parameters based on your needs.
How long will each session be?
Each session is one hour.
How much time will I spend in this program between sessions?
You should allot 2-3 hours between each session to work on the next steps I give you.
How is this program different from your other offers?
It’s specifically tailored to dialing in your message.
If I’m working with another coach, mentor, or marketer will this conflict?
Typically not, so long as others don’t try to water your message back down or broaden it to be for anybody. Many of my clients work with me to get to the heart of their message and work with others to deploy that message in their social media and marketing campaigns.
Is this a refundable program?
Because this is my 1:1 time, there are no refunds on this program.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us at

- Six 1:1 messaging sessions with Jeffrey
- A recording of each session
- AI transcripts of each session
- Clear next steps after each session with bonus trainings as Jeffrey sees fit
- Potent, polished messaging for your offer and your in-person connections
What Past Clients Are Saying:
“When it comes to working on my business, I’ve done it all. Until I said a hesitant “yes” to Jeffrey’s offer, I had success in fits and starts. One day with Jeffrey changed all that.
He hears differently. He RECEIVED the story of my clients’ lives at such a deep level that he completely understood their needs. He helped me clarify a customer journey that would make sense to them – and to me.
I can’t recommend Jeffrey enough. Not only is he brilliant at what he does, he’s delightful, disarming, warm, and very funny. Get thee to his work. It’s magic.”
“Being out in the world with the confidence and the clarity of my message is the game changer for me. The week after finishing this program, I was loading my new copy onto my website at a coffee shop when I ran into an acquaintance. When I told her about what I was up to, she was immediately interested.
I followed up and sent her the video about the work (using the script we’d worked on together). Her response was incredible – she said, “epic, powerful, and so insanely aligned… you’re speaking directly to me.” She bought right away! That’s a 5X ROI within one week… before I’d even put the new copy on my website!”
“Your program helped me to pinpoint the gifts I have been given and get clear on who exactly I am meant to serve. Magically, my tribe is now magnetizing to me and I have experienced more financial success in my business than ever before – even before launching my premium program!
Your love, compassion, and belief in me (along with your rock-solid program design) allowed me to really step into the work only I can do.”
“Over the course of this program,I was able to understand that I’m truly called to lead. I went from writing marketing copy that ticked the boxes but spoke from the head . . . to writing and speaking from both the gut and the heart. ‘
The results were immediate…
The first time I shared my new message, copy, and program descriptions with a potential client (who’d been waffling over working with me for months) they signed up their entire leadership team for my 4-month program. That was all 22 leaders including the organization’s president at $3997 each, totaling $87,934. A huge sale like that would have never happened without Jeffrey’s poking, prodding, and pushing me out of my comfort zone to find my voice and my message.”

Not sure this is for you?
I understand that investing in a premium program can be a big decision, and if we’re meant to work together, it’s a decision I want you to feel really good about! If you’d like to talk 1:1, schedule a 15-min. connection call with me so we can connect and ensure this is a fit.
If you can’t find a time that fits for you, contact us at:
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