Weekly Insights & Activations

Each week I share a message designed to activate your calling, inspire your vision, and accelerate your leadership, so you can bring your courageous message to the world.

Monday Insights:

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Tuesday Activations:

Then join our Facebook group, where I go live every Tuesday at 9am Pacific Time to share an activating insight live.

The Latest Insight

A personal update from Los Angeles

A personal update from Los Angeles

I live in Los Angeles, and after this past week, I’ve struggled with what to share in this week’s Monday Insight. I’m not yet in sense-making mode, so I thought I’d share a much more personal message and update instead.

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What your work wants in 2025

What your work wants in 2025

Instead of focusing solely on what you want, the invitation is to listen deeply to what the work you’re called to do wants. What does it desire for itself in the world? What does it ask of you? What does it seek to express through you?

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What if your calling is the answer your market needs?

What if your calling is the answer your market needs?

Your calling isn’t asking you to sacrifice; it’s asking you to align. By tuning into the energetic spirit of the times—the zeitgeist—you position yourself to respond to what is needed now. It allows you to energetically “peek around the bend” and create products and services that people are asking for that no one else is offering.

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The key to potency?

The key to potency?

Ultimately, refinement is about stripping away anything that prevents you from walking through the world as a portal into a new consciousness for your people.
Is there anything more potent than someone who moves through the world in this way?

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Living a Real-Time Life

Living a Real-Time Life

Everything we need for this moment is already available in this moment…
And anything in the future that isn’t actionable right now isn’t needed right now.

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The curious inspiration of your Hell No!

The curious inspiration of your Hell No!

In your life, you’ve probably found that what you DON’T want often creates the contrast needed to bring what you DO want into focus.
If you know you’re here to contribute to a new story for humanity, allow what you don’t want to elicit your “Hell No” and let it inspire you…

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Healing the old story to reveal the new

Healing the old story to reveal the new

We have to turn and face whatever we’ve been unwilling or unable to look at, doing the work to heal it and integrate its gifts, in order to be free to inhabit the new story that’s waiting for us.
I see this in my own life and in the lives of all the leaders I serve. I also see it in every collective, including the countries we live in.

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Monday Insights

A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.