Weekly Insights & Activations

Each week I share a message designed to activate your calling, inspire your vision, and accelerate your leadership, so you can bring your courageous message to the world.

Monday Insights:

Sign up for #MondayInsights to get a new message in your inbox every Monday Morning.

Tuesday Activations:

Then join our Facebook group, where I go live every Tuesday at 9am Pacific Time to share an activating insight live.

The Latest Insight

How the “Spiritual Zeitgeist” Helps You Innovate

Not everyone thinks about their impact on an industry or larger collective, but there is an emerging group of leaders who are called to impact whole collectives of people.

You might call them visionaries, innovators, or trailblazers…

But the ones I’m talking about are innovating not just based on emerging trends in a market — they are innovating based on an emerging spiritual consciousness that wants to take root in the audience, industry or collective they serve and help shift our culture.

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Your Genius Was Never Meant for You

Your Genius Was Never Meant for You

If you’ve developed mastery in your work, there’s something you’ve probably become (perhaps painfully) aware of…

You can’t do your best work with everyone. In fact, you can’t do your best work with most people!

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Give Them Hope

Give Them Hope

Take your own leap of courage. Generate hope in your people. allow them to take leaps, courageous leaps into new territories. And as you work together, listening, following, leading, and faith.
Each one of us gets this new compass of truth, the more that is instilled in each and every one of us, the more truly, truly, truly the structures of our society shift in substantial and life-giving ways. And that, that is the call.

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Changing Your Relationship with Business

Changing Your Relationship with Business

There’s a common experience that most people share when they show up in my world, and it sounds something like this…
“There’s this vision, this calling, this message, this idea that I know in my bones I’m here to deliver. And it’s not that my brilliant mind came up with it. It’s more that it was delivered to me, or I landed on it. Now that I’ve got it, I know I have something I’m here to steward. I’m here to bring it forward into the world.”

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Stepping Out

Stepping Out

You might look at the marketplace and make assumptions about “how it’s done.” Yes, it’s great to learn from others when it’s aligned with your values. But far too often, I see people copying models, tactics, and strategies that either don’t align with their values, don’t play to their natural gifts and talents, or both. This misalignment disrupts their leadership, business, marketing, and money-making strategies. Sure, you might be able to make some money, but thriving becomes impossible.

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The Secret to Standing Out

The Secret to Standing Out

If that soul contract calls you to be a trailblazer, it’ll require a much bigger dose of standing out than most people ever encounter or have to wrestle with (so if you’re in the ring, be kind to yourself).

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Death Power

Death Power

One of the big questions on my heart is this: how do we as change-agents navigate complexity, chaos and change? Because it’s all around us, and as much as we might know deep down that “we were made for such a time as this”, we still experience tumult when the old starts to crumble before the new emerges.

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The secrets we hold

The secrets we hold

Lately, I’ve been having some powerful conversations with my friend Pamelah Landers about what she calls “Plutonian” work. Pluto, the god of the underworld, symbolizes going deep and digging under the surface to find hidden riches and emerge transformed.

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Systems Grief & Holy Power

Systems Grief & Holy Power

In the wake of the US Supreme Court ruling that presidents are immune to prosecution, this past July 4th (the Independence holiday in the US) felt different—like it might be the last one where I can celebrate the country I’ve known.
If my social media feed is any indication, I wasn’t alone.

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Who’s really guiding your calling?

Who’s really guiding your calling?

One of the things I’ve noticed over the years is that when we start waking up to a calling in life, it often feels like the calling has come to us.
But from where?
I used to say something like “The Universe.”
The challenge is that when we perceive that something outside of us is guiding or telling us to do something (and that not doing it will cause all sorts of challenges), it can kick up a lot of inner resistance. After all, who likes being “told” what to do?

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Being a “bridge” person

Being a “bridge” person

I was talking to my guidance and saying, “What am I already? Am I like a business guy or a spiritual teacher?”
The message came back loud and clear: “Don’t you get it? You’re both. You are here to put the two back together.”

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Monday Insights

A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.