Weekly Insights & Activations

Each week I share a message designed to activate your calling, inspire your vision, and accelerate your leadership, so you can bring your courageous message to the world.

Monday Insights:

Sign up for #MondayInsights to get a new message in your inbox every Monday Morning.

Tuesday Activations:

Then join our Facebook group, where I go live every Tuesday at 9am Pacific Time to share an activating insight live.

The Latest Insight

Changing Your Relationship with Business

There’s a common experience that most people share when they show up in my world, and it sounds something like this…
“There’s this vision, this calling, this message, this idea that I know in my bones I’m here to deliver. And it’s not that my brilliant mind came up with it. It’s more that it was delivered to me, or I landed on it. Now that I’ve got it, I know I have something I’m here to steward. I’m here to bring it forward into the world.”

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Be a Fierce Guardian of the Heart

Be a Fierce Guardian of the Heart

If you are delivering work that is an expression of your heart, an expression of who you are, an outward expression of what you are internally; you must learn to be a fierce guardian of your heart. Because what you delivery is an expression of your care and your concern for this world. It’s an expression of who you are.

And the question then becomes… Does just anybody get to have it?

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Leading with Instinct & Intuition in an Emotionally Draining Time

Leading with Instinct & Intuition in an Emotionally Draining Time

Let’s face it – it can be emotionally draining to be alive in today’s world. As leaders, we must stay aware of and involved in what’s going on around us, without simply reacting to it… but how? Lead from your gut while connected to your guidance, so you’re leading from instinct and intuition. That’s the seat of power and wisdom, which allows you to respond and lead as a force for positive change.

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Create A Space For All That You Feel

Create A Space For All That You Feel

Feelings are not spiritual or unspiritual. Take a feeling you might be having a hard time with, like anger. The question is not whether or not it’s spiritual. The question is: Is it something you are experiencing, are you feeling it and are you creating/allowing space for all that you feel?

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What Can I Do? (care deeply & roar)

What Can I Do? (care deeply & roar)

You can look out in this world and find any number of large scale complex problems. Many of which are not in direct reach of your own hands. Or there is some disconnect between the problem you see in the world and what is the structure of your life and your sphere of influence today. It’s more than spouting out about injustices. The roar doesn’t start with something that comes out of your mouth. The roar comes with something you feel convicted about in your guts… at your foundation. It comes because you are connected to why you care.

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Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules

Everything in your world on some level has some degree of distortion. This is largely due to interpretation. The only place there is no interpretation is in your own experience. Even when you share your experience we get into interpretation but the actual experience of your experience is simply that… your experience. And this ties into risk taking and breaking the rules.

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Everything You Need is Always in the Field

Everything You Need is Always in the Field

The field is a network or gridwork of intelligence that is all around us blanketing this entire planet. As an individual who is connected to the all you have the capacity at any time to reach into this networked intelligence to plug in and access what the next piece of wisdom is that is available to you.

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You Are A World Creator

You Are A World Creator

Every human on this planet is a world creator. You are always creating worlds and taking people on journeys inside those worlds. If you want to increase your impact, your satisfaction, your joy, your income you must get clearer about the world you are here to create. And the journey your are to take people on inside that world.

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Your Guidance is Always Speaking to You

Your Guidance is Always Speaking to You

As you move into your role as a guide in this world not only does your guidance speak to you they speak through you. Your guidance is not separate from who you are. It is an aspect of you who are. or another way to hold this is that you are an aspect of a larger field of consciousness that you might call your guidance. Your guidance is a field of consciousness. It is as awaking, living, alive intelligence.

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Seeking the Light

Seeking the Light

The entire time a seed is growing toward full flowering it is seeking the light. What does this have to do with your journey? The victim into hero can seek to find themselves, to understand who they can become. When you move from hero into guide seeking the light means being cleaner and cleaner, being clearer and clearer in your motivations, in the structures of your life and what you include in (and keep out of) your life.

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Overcoming the Valleys

Overcoming the Valleys

Sometime in spite of having clarity and purpose in what you are doing you hit a valley… you lose that sense of direction and clarity. And that can make you feel lost and maybe even sad, like what you are doing doesn’t matter. It’s not really being lost, it’s being disconnected.

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Create Your Own World

Create Your Own World

Creating your own world means deciding what’s true in your world and what’s not, what the rules are of this world and even who gets to be in this world and who doesn’t. When you do this you actually kind of create your own sovereign nation inside another country. You create your own reality in the middle of the generic paradigm most of those around you are living in.

If you don’t do this you still end up living by the rule and in the world you grew up in rather than in your own and living inside an apology for who you are.

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Monday Insights

A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.