Everything I do is meant to help people make the shift from being a practitioner to a leader.You know you have it in you… That pull that makes you feel like there’s more to your work. That your voice can be louder and reach more people.And yet, there’s a feeling of...
The Courageous Messenger Podcast Discover the unique language to build your tribe, accelerate your mission and grow your profits… without holding back Can’t wait? Want some 1-on-1 help now? Book a message mentoring session. Episode 010: Experience Your Experience and...
If you follow my work, you know I’ve spent a long time exploring the way your wounds can benefit you. I’ve shared my experiences to help people see what it really takes to make profound shifts and become messengers.But not that long ago, I felt a big change. Something...
If you follow my work, you know that I love talking about identifying your wounds. This is the first step to becoming the true messenger and business leader you deserve to be.An issue I often come across in my tribe, and people in general, is that they don’t know how...
If you’ve been following my messages, you know that they discuss some of the biggest secrets about your life force… and what’s holding you back from it. We talked about your inner outcast and the essential shift you must make around it. It’s time to find out exactly...
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