Weekly Insights & Activations
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Tuesday Activations:
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The Latest Insight

What Future Are We Building?
But the transcendent purpose of your business is to be a portal into a whole new world—a world animated by a new story, rooted in a higher consciousness.
Shaken Confidence
“Jeffrey, my confidence has been really shaken”
It was the start of a call with a bright, bold, brilliant client who’d recently had a big health scare.
What’s really at the heart of answering your calling?
I was on a call the other day with a colleague who needed to bring in some extra cash. He said (kind of offhandedly), “Maybe I just need to do some more of my zone of excellence work rather than my zone of genius work.”
He was talking about the work he does in the structure and strategy side of working with business owners (his zone of excellence), while his genius zone leans more heavily in the direction of spirit and purpose.
And it struck me, because his zone of genius work is EPIC!
Take the risk before asking for it
Most marketing promises ease, but I encourage you to take the risk of telling your people that the work isn’t easy… that not everyone is ready for the journey… that they’ll face bumps and challenges along the way… that they might want to quit at certain points…
Be honest about the work.
The “Stub the Toe Problem”
Today, we’re flipping the script from our usual focus on purpose.
Because we actually need different types of messaging for different aspects of our marketing and business building.
Food makes hunger
I’m going to state the obvious here…
This world is in massive upheaval.
Individuals, businesses, and institutions are feeling overwhelmed, helpless and often hopeless in the face of so much that isn’t working for them personally and for us collectively….
Are you a Zeitgeist Pioneer?
People can sense into “the field” of their industry and pick up what that collective is hungry for, that they can bring to form.
The seduction of problems
When your clients come into your world, what they want more than anything is a new story…
The next frontier of transformational work
I belong to a professional network of leaders in the transformation world and I was recently at our biannual meeting. Our theme was “Humanity Rising.”
One of the things that struck me was that even in a room full of recognized leaders in the field of transformation there was a tremendous amount of existential angst about the tremendous breakdown of so much of the fabric of society.
The proverbial “what can I do in the face of this?” question was palpable in the room – a feeling I think is palpable across the globe.
Messaging that shines the light of hope
If you’re a leader who is committed and called to be a liberator for people and systems…
You have to go to the depths, because that’s where the work of liberation is done.
That means going to the places in people and systems that keep them bound. It’s going underneath the layers that we use to hide our secrets and shame, so the light of truth can shine on them…
Because that’s what frees up energy, and when you free up energy, you free up people.
Does your business need a warning sign?
If you’re a leader who is committed and called to be a liberator for people and systems…
You have to go to the depths, because that’s where the work of liberation is done.
That means going to the places in people and systems that keep them bound. It’s going underneath the layers that we use to hide our secrets and shame, so the light of truth can shine on them…
Because that’s what frees up energy, and when you free up energy, you free up people.
Hiding your Sword of Truth behind a paywall
Leaders in the “conscious business” world love to dog on the BS bait-and-switch tactics often used in traditional marketing…
But there’s a bait and switch I see many of us doing as well:
Hiding our Sword of Truth behind a paywall.
I bet you wield your sword of truth with fierceness and love when you’re serving your clients, right?
The question is this: can that same sword be seen and experienced in your marketing…
Or is it obscured or completely hidden?
The power of fierceness
In last week’s message, I talked about showing up as a leader for your clients. It’s a big theme in my life right now and by the response to the message it seems you have that call as well.
If there’s anything I’ve learned (and have to keep re-learning), it’s that if you step into a leadership role for your people – and want to be highly paid for that work…
Monday Insights
A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.