Weekly Insights & Activations

Each week I share a message designed to activate your calling, inspire your vision, and accelerate your leadership, so you can bring your courageous message to the world.

Monday Insights:

Sign up for #MondayInsights to get a new message in your inbox every Monday Morning.

Tuesday Activations:

Then join our Facebook group, where I go live every Tuesday at 9am Pacific Time to share an activating insight live.

The Latest Insight

The Secret to Standing Out

If that soul contract calls you to be a trailblazer, it’ll require a much bigger dose of standing out than most people ever encounter or have to wrestle with (so if you’re in the ring, be kind to yourself).

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Your Divine Spark

Your Divine Spark

Revealing more of who you are in service to this world. We want you to be more generous with sharing who you are in this world. It is this generosity of your being in this world that is THE GIFT.

Each and every one of you have a signature of who you are. This signature is a divine spark expressed in a unique way…. the living expression of heaven on earth.

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Upgrading Our Expectations

Upgrading Our Expectations

There are certain expectations you have of yourself in your life. The more in your authority you are you the more you upgrade your expectations of how people treat you and that changes who is in your life and how those people show up in your life. You have many expectations, why not make them good ones? Why not make them rich valuable, life giving and/or supportive of your mission?

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The Multitudes Within

The Multitudes Within

Have you noticed that there are multitudes within you? There are multiple versions of you. Is the version of you that’s showing up to your work the version congruent with the work that needs to be done?

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The Seed of the New Story is Planted in Your Soul

The Seed of the New Story is Planted in Your Soul

There is a knowing of how things can be that is inside of you. So much of the discord is the mismatch between what you know in your guts and the experience you see in front of you. We can argue that it doesn’t need to be so but alternatively we can enchant people to this new vision.

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Faith & Trust are Interwoven

Faith & Trust are Interwoven

Faith occurs when you see your guidance and yourself as one. When you see that your guidance is part of a larger web of connected consciousness that has intent. Your guidance is not separate from you but is an aspect OF you.

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Detonate an Explosion in Your Heart

Detonate an Explosion in Your Heart

Many of you are fearful of detonating this explosion in your heart. Because yes it will upset the apple cart. Don’t be surprised if increasingly you are called to upset the apple cart of your own life.

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The Seed Inside YOU

The Seed Inside YOU

The seed inside each one of us has an evolutionary path, an expression of you that it wants to emerge into. When you are really honest about who you are called to be there is an immediate and innate knowing. When you are in confusion that is a direct result of being disconnect from yourself. However, there is a distinction between confusion and waiting.

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Accessing Your Own Higher Frequency

Accessing Your Own Higher Frequency

These weekly messages are not designed to make you feel good. If you do that’s great. BUT… the purpose of these messages is to allow you to access more and more the full spectrum of who you are. The full spectrum is where the riches are, both figuratively and literally.

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Calling & Commitment

Calling & Commitment

People that come into my world have a calling that there is this “thing” they are here to do. It’s in their heart and soul. One of the things I see consistently is this push/pull or resistance people can have with their calling. There is the desire to grow but there is a gap between this desire to grow and their sense of where they are called to be. I typically see two relationships to that gap…. desire and commitment.

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Start Here

Start Here

The thing that you are called to do, to speak about is part of a new reality waiting for us to live into it. A new reality about what it means to be human, to live together and what is possible. It requires you to tune into where that new thing already exists. But are you in the same place, are you living where that new story is?

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Monday Insights

A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.