Which Game are You Playing?

Which Game are You Playing?

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. Which Game are You Playing? Today we are talking about two games. The first is ornamentation. Meaning, “I need to dress myself up to be pretty and presentable…...
Will you fall into despair or move into optimism and joy?

Will you fall into despair or move into optimism and joy?

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. Will you fall into despair or move into optimism and joy? Despair because of what “is”. What we see, the tragedies that happen in front of us. We an also choose to...
Marketing is Gathering Your People to the Journey

Marketing is Gathering Your People to the Journey

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. Marketing is Gathering Your People to the Journey When you say in your marketing,”This ship goes here…” or “I take people on this journey…”...
Feel Into the Unspoken Questions

Feel Into the Unspoken Questions

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. Feel Into the Unspoken Questions Your work maybe an answer to unspoken questions but your work is not the questions themselves. It is very important to separate these two...
Why are you continually called to more?

Why are you continually called to more?

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. Why are you continually called to more? Great change requires great trust. Why are you continually called to more? Because you came to this earth plane at this time wanting...
We Are Always Speaking

We Are Always Speaking

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. We Are Always Speaking Hello, Courageous Messengers! Jeffrey is away this week so we’ve pulled a beautiful video from his archives. This is from the Month of Business...