Dealing with Your Need to Belong

Dealing with Your Need to Belong

In my last message, I explained why you might feel like a fraud sometimes. This can happen when your need for belonging makes you filter your message. And then you lose touch with its core along the way.Have you ever felt like this? If so, you’ve probably spent a lot...
What to Do When You Feel Like a Fraud

What to Do When You Feel Like a Fraud

Almost all messengers have been there – developing that poisonous feeling like you’re a fraud. Your self-doubt gets on top of you.It makes you feel bad about putting your message out there.If a messenger doesn’t believe in the message that they’re sending, how can...
The “What” and the “Who”

The “What” and the “Who”

Whenever you deliver a ground-breaking message, you have to face your fears. Messengers who’ve been through this know what I’m talking about. And they know it’s a tough thing to do. How do you get people to listen when you’re so engulfed in fear?Luckily, you can...
Are You a Lone Ranger?

Are You a Lone Ranger?

Do you have a “Lone Ranger” syndrome?These are people who go it alone, thinking that this is the best way to approach their work and life.All of us feel this way sometimes.But it can hold us back from achieving amazing things.Why? I believe it’s rooted in fear. We’re...