Exposing Your Essence

Exposing Your Essence

If you’ve been following my messages, you know that they discuss some of the biggest secrets about your life force… and what’s holding you back from it. We talked about your inner outcast and the essential shift you must make around it. It’s time to find out exactly...
Uncovering Your Outcast

Uncovering Your Outcast

Are you in touch with every part of your being? You might think so. And you probably know there’s a part of you that feels scared.You’ve probably spent your whole life working on your wounds and bettering yourself. You thought this would get you to where you want to...
The Core Holdout

The Core Holdout

In my last message, I talked about being in full-time partnership with your life force. I went over the incredible benefits it can provide to your business and life.To build on that, I want to talk about why so many people don’t experience it…  There’s an essential...
Full-Time Partnership with Your Life Force

Full-Time Partnership with Your Life Force

Have you ever had the feeling that everything you touch turns into gold? Opportunities come to you left and right, and all you have to do is take ahold of them.If so, you’ve experienced the true life force.Now, is it possible to stay connected to your life force all...
The Four Quadrants of Power

The Four Quadrants of Power

Power is by far one of my favorite topics to talk about. Alongside belonging, it’s among the deepest fear that I’ve worked on throughout my life.I mentioned in my last post that one of my goals is to introduce to the world a new relationship with power. I feel that...
A New Relationship with Power

A New Relationship with Power

This next quote resonates with me more than all others:“Our deepest fear is that we’re powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”While I find this to be true, many people don’t agree.Then they wonder why they can’t seem...