Moving from Outsider/Outcast to Leader

Moving from Outsider/Outcast to Leader

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. Moving from Outsider/Outcast to Leader The universe is tapping you on you shoulder and telling you it’s time for you to become the leader, the way shower. Are you ready...
How Do You Attune To The Messages

How Do You Attune To The Messages

Activation Tuesdays Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group. A weekly transmission with Jeffrey designed to open your heart, inspire your vision and activate your leadership, so you can live your calling full-out. How Do You Atune To...
The Universe is Patient

The Universe is Patient

Jeffrey’s Insights A weekly transmission with Jeffrey Van Dyk designed to activate your vision and sharpen your resolve, so you can lead your audience, bring paradigm change to your industry, and live your mission fully. The Universe is Patient Jeffrey is on...
The Universe is Patient

How to Show Up & Serve… even when you’re in a foul mood

Jeffrey’s Insights A weekly transmission with Jeffrey Van Dyk designed to activate your vision and sharpen your resolve, so you can lead your audience, bring paradigm change to your industry, and live your mission fully. How to Show Up & Serve… even...
Staying True to the Frequency of Your Work in Your Marketing

Staying True to the Frequency of Your Work in Your Marketing

Jeffrey’s Insights A weekly transmission with Jeffrey Van Dyk designed to activate your vision and sharpen your resolve, so you can lead your audience, bring paradigm change to your industry, and live your mission fully. Staying True to the Frequency of Your...
Marketing the New Story

Marketing the New Story

Jeffrey’s Insights A weekly transmission with Jeffrey Van Dyk designed to activate your vision and sharpen your resolve, so you can lead your audience, bring paradigm change to your industry, and live your mission fully. Marketing the New Story There is...