Many of us walk around feeling like something’s missing…
Like there’s this hole we need to fill if we want to live a more meaningful life.
You know how it goes – no matter how many good things happen, and how much fun you cram in, those old feelings always seem to creep back in.
Now, most people don’t realize they’re trying to fill this void with many of their life’s activities…
For entrepreneurs, a good part of that is trying to fill this hole with constant pushing and striving for success.
And no matter how much success you have, how much money you make, how many stages you speak on, how many online followers you have…
That hunger to fill something deeper goes unsatiated.
But the drive never lets up.
So you burn yourself out (or burn your joy out) and find yourself a day job that pays less than the one you quit and doesn’t give you the freedom you thought following your calling would provide.
Do you know what I’m talkin’ about here?
Eventually, you might start to try to fix your wounds with seminars, books and courses that each promise you relief.
Little did you know that trying to “fix” wounds doesn’t work – it just creates a battle between the parts of yourself you like and the parts of yourself you don’t like.
So where do these wounds come from and how can you create a deeper understanding of them and their usefulness and value in life… and in business?
Your wounds come from identity-based beliefs you adopted as a child. Even though they’re untrue at a soul level, they still determine a lot of what you do as you grow up.
Let me clarify this a bit.
When you have wounding experiences as a child, they don’t make sense…
“Why is this happening?” your psyche asks.
And since humans are meaning-making machines, we try to create an answer to make sense out of life.
Often times, those wounding experiences happen in relationship to our parents…
But you can’t blame the hand that feeds you, and you want to do your best to retain Mom and Dad’s love and praise, so you internalize the blame and identify with the wound.
This results in harmful self-talk that engraves itself in your brain. You might think “This is happening because I’m worthless” or “I’m unlovable so I deserve this.” We create all kinds of stories in our heads to justify being wounded.
This wouldn’t be that big of an issue for an adult. But young children don’t have a formed identity, so it’s very easy for them to build it around wounds.
And then you keep telling yourself that you are your wounds.
By the time you grow up, your brain is hard-wired to think this way. The wounds have become an integral part of your identity.
How can you create a life of abundance if you think of yourself as worthless? You can’t command the fees you deserve if you think you deserve nothing.
People deal with this all the time, consciously or otherwise. The good news is that you can break free of these identities, and start to build a great business. I’ll discuss how in my next few posts.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… Here are 4 ways I can help you grow your coaching & thought leadership business:
- Grab a free copy of the Soul-Guided Niche eBook
If you’ve ever wondered if you’re serving the right people or why people aren’t following you in bigger ways, this is a great start to finding your answers. – Click Here
- Join our Facebook Page, where you can watch our weekly live coaching program, The Courageous Messenger Podcast
This page is filled with resources for messengers and change agents who want to answer their calling and change the world. It includes a weekly live coaching program, on Wednesdays at 12 noon pacific, where Jeffrey helps you dial in your message and become a more courageous messenger. – Click Here
- Apply for a Message Mentoring Session
If you feel lost or stuck on your message… or like it’s just not working and you don’t know why… it might be time for a Message Mentoring session. One of my top coaches will take you through a discovery process to figure out what’s not working in your message and why. Then we’ll figure out how we can help you dial it in so it lands deeply and draws the right people in. – Click Here
- Work with me and my team privately
If you’d like to work with me directly to help you find the message only you can deliver – the work that sets you apart in the marketplace to elevate your brand, income and reach – just send me a message with the word “Private”… Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll be in touch from there!