Activation Tuesdays
Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group.
Why are you continually called to more?
Great change requires great trust. Why are you continually called to more? Because you came to this earth plane at this time wanting expansion, wanting growth, wanting to blossom in the most glorious way. And every time you expand it requires you to do two things amongst others. One is to step outside the identity you have built.
Once again we’ve pulled a beautiful video for the Month of Business Prayer series from January 2019. Should you want to watch (or re-watch) any others of this series, you can check them out by visiting and searching for the words “the prayer.”
Great change requires great trust. What’s the purpose of change in your life? And particularly in your business? Why are you continually called to more? Why is there never a complete answer when it comes to your calling?
Because you came to this earth plane at this time, wanting expansion, wanting growth, wanting to blossom in the most glorious ways. And so there’s always places where more blossoming can happen, where more expansion can happen.
Every time you expand, it requires you to do three things.
- Release who you think you are. This requires you to step outside of the identity you’ve built. The person you’re stepping into is unknown to you, psychologically. It’s known to your heart and your soul, but it’s unknown to you in your mind. You’re moving into unknown territory.
- Trust. The higher purpose of this liminal space, that dip in the valley is to give you a place to practice trust. Trust that you’re held. Trust that you don’t have to figure it out and trust that there is an intelligence that you have access to, with all the answers required. In the liminal space – that valley space where it’s dark and you’re in the fog, you’re not going to get the next 10 steps, because you can’t see that far ahead of you in the fog.
- Take the next step. All you can see in the fog is the very next step right in front of you. Where do I place my foot next? There… and then there… and there and there and there. Know that we will always show you. Always. Never a question whether there will be guidance available for where you place that foot. The purpose of the valley, the purpose of the dip, the purpose of that liminal space, is to have you practice trust in action.
- Look for the signs. Each time you have even the smallest signs that you’re on the right track, notice them! Maybe you’re feeling lost, wondering where your guidance is, and you walk into a store where Michael Jackson is playing in the background, “I’ll be there. I’ll be there. Just call my name. I’ll be there.”
So maybe it’s a song, maybe a poem, maybe something you see online that reminds you to listen, to surrender, to take whatever you’re holding onto, and release it. As you let go of whatever you think you need to hold on to, that’s when you practice trust. And as you let it go, you develop a deeper knowing that “I’m held. I’m always held. Everything I need is right here right now. Always in this moment without fail. Even if I don’t know what it is. Even if I can’t see it. I am always held.”