Activation Tuesdays
Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group.
Who’s really guiding your calling?
One of the things I’ve noticed over the years is that when we start waking up to a calling in life, it often feels like the calling has come to us.
But from where?
I used to say something like “The Universe.”
The challenge is that when we perceive that something outside of us is guiding or telling us to do something (and that not doing it will cause all sorts of challenges), it can kick up a lot of inner resistance. After all, who likes being “told” what to do?
So, what I want to offer is the perspective that I sit in today, which is that the thing “calling” to us is actually our Higher Self (soul). It’s waking us up and getting us on track with the higher purpose of our lives.
It’s a funny thing, because it’s like, “Oh, it’s actually ME guiding the whole thing… the larger aspect of me, at least!”
When you sit in this perspective, the idea that you’re fighting against some external pressure can just fall away. It’s like, “Actually, my Higher Self has been directing this whole thing. This is all where it’s been leading to. Now is the time. Let’s go!”
Your Higher Self is interwoven and interconnected with all that is. It lives in the field of oneness – a molecule in the ocean of oneness.
Your Higher Self holds the big picture and when you’re connected to your Higher Self, everything you need is available at all times.
What that means is that you don’t actually have to know the big picture. You don’t even have to understand it! All I have to do is tap into my Higher Self to listen, learn, and follow.
As you keep tapping into my Higher Self, you will keep getting updates about your mission based on what’s happening in the world that you’re called to be in service to!
To stay on track, tune in regularly because your Higher Self is titrating the information you need, moment to moment. To deliver the entire thing all at once would probably be too much for a being incarnated as a human. So it gives little packets, packets that you can take in, absorb, and assimilate.
My hope is that you can breathe more deeply, knowing that your Higher Self will deliver what you need when the time is right and you need it.
That is freedom.
In fact, the whole reason I’m being guided to share this perspective is to encourage an immense sense of peace in your soul about the perfection of where you are at, where you’re going, and the support you have at all times.