Activation Tuesdays
Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group.
What’s next for these weekly messages
Over the past few years, I’ve done a weekly livestream in my Facebook group called #ActivationTuesdays. But as times change, callings change, I’m being pulled in a new direction (more on that below).
Throughout my life and career, everything that has been truly fruitful has been inspired in some way. There’s always been a nudge, an inkling, or an energetic pulse that has drawn me forward and guided me to what I was meant to experience, do, and deliver to the people I serve.
They usually start as a faint sense of something, alerting me to a new opportunity coming into view on the horizon—like a road marker saying, “Head in this direction!” It feels like the beginning of a new trip, with an on-ramp to a highway I’ve never traveled before. Where it’s meant to take me always contains some mystery.
Of course, not everything I’ve done has been inspired—I’ve done things because they “made sense,” because I felt obligated, or because my ego got hooked by a perceived opportunity. And each time, I’ve been reminded that those “opportunities” only cost me—time, money, purpose, or all of the above.
When inspired impulses arise, it usually takes a while to make sense of it! The first impulse doesn’t contain all the info—that comes over time. And I always need a secret decoder ring to translate the energetic impulse and calling into a clear direction.
That secret decoder ring?
My peeps!
I’m someone who needs to talk things out in order to understand what’s cookin’ in my field. Contemplation and dialogue are the tools that help a clear picture of what it’s “meant to be” start to appear. More specifically, I need to do this with my peeps! These are people who see me, understand the journey I’m on, and provide accurate, insightful reflection.
When the clarity eventually drops in, there’s always a moment when something in my body clicks in with absolute energetic correctness—and Boom! Suddenly, I know in my bones where I’m meant to go. That’s when action begins in earnest.
When I don’t get into dialogue with trusted people, I usually slog through in confusion, significantly delaying the implementation of the impulse.
So… what does this all have to do with #ActivationTuesdays and where things are going?
Many years ago, I launched the brand The Courageous Messenger, because my people are messengers! Over the past few years, I’ve experienced some big shifts and changes—both internally and in my business—and I’m now being guided to launch a new brand:
Innovating the Invisible.
My friend and colleague, Melanie Benson, downloaded this for me, and the moment it came through, I knew it was what’s next.
One of the things that emerged quickly was the inspiration to launch a new Innovating the Invisible LIVE SHOW, which I’ll be rolling out in the next few months.
Each week, I’ll be in conversation with a colleague about innovating the invisible—exploring both the strategic side of business growth and the internal and spiritual development of leadership.
I share all of this with you because I am concluding the weekly #ActivationTuesdays livestreams in order to give my full attention and energy to this new broadcast stream.
You’ll still receive regular emails from me, but the live broadcast is evolving.
When #ActivationTuesdays began, all I knew was that I was being called to show up weekly and tune into “the field” with you—to share whatever information was coming through for us as a community. The purpose was always to activate the deeper knowing of who we are, why we’re here, and what we’re meant to contribute right now.
While this format has been one-way in terms of broadcasting, my experience has been that we’ve been conversation partners over these years of weekly messages. It’s all relational (far more than we often realize), and when we approach our businesses in a deeply relational way, it allows the deeper truth we all need to flow.
I wanted to share the journey of this evolution with you because your calling—and the work that comes from it—may be changing as well. After all, our world is in a state of massive flux, and our callings don’t live in a vacuum.
If you’re in transition, I encourage you to trust where you’re being called—even if the details aren’t yet clear. What’s next is always in response to what your people need next!
I look forward to diving into this next chapter with you… as we Innovate The Invisible, together!