Weekly Insights & Activations
Monday Insights:
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Tuesday Activations:
Then join our Facebook group, where I go live every Tuesday at 9am Pacific Time to share an activating insight live.
The Latest Insight

Radical Truth-Telling in Marketing
By positioning yourself as one of the rare guides who dares to lead clients into the “dark” spaces where true power and change reside—you set yourself apart from other services and service providers and create the potential for life-altering breakthroughs for your clients.
The Relationship Between Courage and Trust
It is courageous to be the heralder of a truth that not everyone is ready to hear. But the courage isn’t the thing you do. The courage is the result of something you’ve done. And that something is surrender.
Anchoring in Your Heart to Activate Your Message & Audience
If you don’t start by belonging to you then you are going to be looking for belonging everywhere else. You must start by centering your self in your own heart.
You Have To Be FELT Before You Are Followed
Your message is energy translated into words that transforms the world. Unlocking your potential and activating the frequency of your message.
What Does It Mean To Be A Speaker Of A New Reality?
How we create is with the stories we tell. We get a sense of something and we speak it into reality. Your story is the story you are compelled to tell, that you have embodied. In this story that you have been telling how much authority is in it?
Living the Prayer of YES
I start each day with this prayer. Your life is an invitation to be lived. When you pray this prayer you are opening yourself up to a field of potential that is beyond your own consciousness, beyond your own vision of what you think your life is meant to be.
Accessing Your Hearts Wisdom When Your Mind is Trying to “Figure It Out”
The new story for humanity, for any system in our world, is if we want to change it we must do it from the heart. Because so much of what he have in the world came from the mind. We cannot get where we want to go from the mind alone.
Navigating Your-Journey When You Get Pulled Off Your Vision
So often your focus isn’t born of your logical intent. Your movement isn’t aligned with the vision you state. You can have a clear vision forward but where is your motivation for that vision coming from?
Serving From the Emptiness
This morning in my meditation I was asking to be filled and the message I heard back was “Why Don’t You Empty?”. Emptying is about making room for something new. Emptying is about potential. After all a blank canvas is the foundation of creation.
Ritual: As Above So Below
Somebody asked me if I do any sort of ritual or anything before I go live. I would like to share with you what I have done for years before I go on stage, before I speak or before I sing.
Activate A New Story For Yourself
So much of the rhetoric we hear in the world today is us meeting each other on the same level, from the same frequency. But you are here to offer an alternative. An alternative frequency of a new story.
No Shoulds In Spirit
It’s time to begin. It’s time to have a new form of partnership with your guidance. What we want for you is for you to be an inspiration in this world. Become the invitation in this world. Be lit up so people put their attention on you and you become a reflection for the fire that is in them.
Episode 016: Stop Being Nice…. Be Challenging Instead
There is this weird thing about marketing.
We believe that what works socially for us to be accepted, get friends and build a community works for marketing.
It doesn’t!
Monday Insights
A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.