Activation Tuesdays

Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group.

From Ownership to Stewardship


So much of what we see in the world today feels stale—and people can sense it, deeply. When something goes stale, its vitality drains out, leaving a hollow shell of what once had life. When that happens, it creates a hunger in people—a craving for something fresh, something alive. They want what’s emerging, what’s next.

Right now, more and more people who are attuned to their deeper purpose—those with a soul-driven mission to bring something new into the world—are waking up to that larger calling. It’s that inner voice that says, “Okay, the old ways are done. Your people are ready for something new. They’re out there, they’re searching, and they’re hungry for it. Now is your time. Bring it.”

Here’s the twist: The people who are seeking it might not be who you think they are. They may not be the same people you’ve always served. So, stay open. Be ready to see who starts showing up in your life, your business, your community. If you’re in this space of transition, one of the biggest shifts you’ll experience is moving from ownership to stewardship.

In business, we’ve been trained to think in terms of ownership. My business, my customers, my strategy. The ownership model thrives on mental energy—figuring things out, strategizing, executing, scaling. But when you’re a steward of a deeper calling, of a consciousness that wants to emerge, it demands a different approach.

Stewardship requires you to listen. It requires you to empty yourself to create space for something more profound to come through. It asks you to tune in—not just once, but continually throughout the process of bringing your vision from an idea to a tangible product or service.

It’s important to remember that what you’re receiving isn’t yours. It’s not about you and it’s not here to feed your ego. It’s about the collective. You’re the conduit. The work, the consciousness, the vision that’s coming through you is meant to serve the world in ways beyond what you could imagine.

Your role? To take that energy and turn it into form. To give it shape as products, services, and experiences that will benefit those who are waiting for exactly what you have to offer.

When you step into this place of stewardship, the upside is twofold. For the world, the next essential thing it needs emerges. For you, you tap into an entirely new market that no one else has seen yet. That’s the ultimate blue ocean strategy—creating something so fresh, so aligned, that you’re in a space with no competition.

And yes, there’s a good chance you’ll make more money than you ever have before… while doing the kind of soul-work that transforms humanity, while being in alignment with the deepest intent of your soul.

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A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.