Almost all messengers have been there – developing that poisonous feeling like you’re a fraud.
Your self-doubt gets on top of you.
It makes you feel bad about putting your message out there.
If a messenger doesn’t believe in the message that they’re sending, how can they expect others to?
This feeling causes us to contract and stops us from being the change-makers that we wish to be.
You can do something about it, though.
First, you have to know the reason why this feeling arises in the first place…
When we first receive the message that we wish to send, we start filtering it. We might not do this consciously, but we water it down such that the end result doesn’t look anything like what we received.
Then we send out that watered-down message and it just doesn’t feel right. That’s when calling ourselves messengers might sound fraudulent.
It’s not that you don’t have something to say. Or that people don’t want to hear your message.
It’s that you’ve watered it down too much.
When this happens, you need to shift your focus inward and examine the filters that you use.
How are you filtering the message? More importantly, who are you filtering it for?
You see, most of us feel the need for belonging. And so we spend a lot of time and effort making sure that others accept us. This starts early in childhood when we do things the right way to get our parents’ attention and praise.
And then we do the same as we grow up with our friends, partners, and everyone else.
This need might be more or less prominent in people, but it’s always there.
And it’s the reason why we filter our message in the first place. Because we feel like sending it out raw will cause people to reject us.
You’ve got to remove those filters.
When you do, those feelings of being a fraud will disappear. And that means you can do so much more as a coach because you have confidence in your message.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready… Here are 4 ways I can help you grow your coaching & thought leadership business:
- Grab a free copy of the Soul-Guided Niche eBook
If you’ve ever wondered if you’re serving the right people or why people aren’t following you in bigger ways, this is a great start to finding your answers. – Click Here
- Join our Facebook Page, where you can watch our weekly live coaching program, The Courageous Messenger Podcast
This page is filled with resources for messengers and change agents who want to answer their calling and change the world. It includes a weekly live coaching program, on Wednesdays at 12 noon pacific, where Jeffrey helps you dial in your message and become a more courageous messenger. – Click Here
- Apply for a Message Mentoring Session
If you feel lost or stuck on your message… or like it’s just not working and you don’t know why… it might be time for a Message Mentoring session. One of my top coaches will take you through a discovery process to figure out what’s not working in your message and why. Then we’ll figure out how we can help you dial it in so it lands deeply and draws the right people in. – Click Here
- Work with me and my team privately
If you’d like to work with me directly to help you find the message only you can deliver – the work that sets you apart in the marketplace to elevate your brand, income and reach – just send me a message with the word “Private”… Tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll be in touch from there!