Epigenetics, Intergenerational Trauma & Global Change, with Jeffrey Van Dyk & Dr. Rachel Yehuda PhD
A few years ago, a Dr Yehuda released a groundbreaking study on the children of Holocaust survivors, demonstrating how the lessons from trauma to be passed down intergenerationally, through markers in the genes. We talk about the implications of that on our society, and how psychedelics are providing great promise in supporting people to resolve deep-seeded traumas that they otherwise can’t seem to access. Dr. Yehuda stresses that while the maladaptive responses trauma are handed down, so are the responses that create resiliency.
My hope is that this conversation will help you see that when you engage in personal and leadership development, that work sits inside of a larger cultural and intergenerational container.
The Jeffrey Van Dyk Show
Guest Bio
Dr. Rachel Yehuda, PhD, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, is the Director of the Center for Psychedelic Psychotherapy and Trauma Research. She is also Director of the Traumatic Stress Studies Division at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine which includes the PTSD clinical research program and the Neurochemistry and Neuroendocrinology laboratory at the James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Dr. Yehuda is a recognized leader in the field of traumatic stress studies. She has authored more than 450 published papers, chapters, and books in the field of traumatic stress and the neurobiology of PTSD. Her current interests include the study of risk and resilience factors, psychological and biological predictors of treatment response in PTSD, genetic and epigenetic studies of PTSD and the intergenerational transmission of trauma and PTSD.
Links to Dr. Yehuda’s work:
Website: YehudaLab
Instagram: @rachelyehudaphd
Twitter: @mspsychedelics