Activation Tuesdays
Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group.
Your Foundational Message
Over the holidays one of our community members reached out to wish me a Happy New Year (Happy New Year, BTW!).
He shared that he recently moved back to Saigon, Vietnam, after many years in the west, and named his place “The House of Belonging & Liberation.” He’s building it as a hub for colleagues and peers in Vietnam who need connection and community to create and collaborate.
His message got me thinking about a core principle in messaging for change-agents…
What is the foundational message you’re here to bring?
There will be many messages in any business, but what is the foundational message?
For example, the foundation of everything I do is about creating more liberation and belonging in the world, with whatever I do.
Those are themes you’ll see woven through my writings, trainings and music (listen to my song “You Belong” for a listen!).
I know that the people in my tribe both need liberation and belonging in their lives and share the mission with me to spread it in the world.
So what I’ve found is that the more I keep liberation and belonging front and center in my consciousness when I’m writing, teaching or doing any form of messaging, the more what I create touches people and has them lean in.
Sometimes it’s really direct, like this message…
But it’s not always overt.
Sometimes it’s just a line or two in my marketing copy… especially if I’m doing messaging around more strategic offers in business.
Liberation and belonging is also rarely something that I’m “selling” in my programs…
It’s not the big overt promise – it’s simply woven into the fabric of everything I do.
For example, in my Message Mastery program, I have my clients dig deep to find their true message – the one that will move their audience deeply, and compel them to take action.
To dial in that kind of message, I help them by seeing how their wounds and life challenges shaped them and their unique understanding of their market. That not only shapes and colors their copy, it also helps them see the value of their wounds, which liberates them from the tyranny of their wounds.
Do they end up crafting messaging that feels powerfully, uniquely them? Yes.
Is it highly captivating to the right people in their market? Absolutely.
Have they come home to themselves more and more in the process. For sure.
And you know what, they’re routinely surprised and delighted by it!
It’s like a huge life-bonus they are getting while getting their strategic messaging dialed in.
So as we enter this New Year, what’s your foundational message?
What’s the thing you care about most deeply that you can use as the guiding light for all you bring this year and beyond?
Whatever it is, keep it front and center in your consciousness this year, not just as you’re working with your clients, but also in your messaging.
Done right, your strategic messaging may capture people’s minds…
But it’s your foundational messaging that will capture their hearts, and engage their spirits.
That’s when they lean in, join your tribe, and know that you’re the one they’re meant to work with.