Activation Tuesdays
Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group.
In the Field of Oneness there is no Urgency
You may feel a lot of urgency in your life right now. There are personal urgencies, like growing your business or making a certain amount of money. Then there’s the larger sense of urgency because on so many levels, it feels like the world we knew is collapsing, and the sense of urgency is very real and palpable.
But have you ever noticed that when you’re in the space of oneness where time dissolves, even for a brief moment, there’s no urgency? Of course, urgency is related to time, so in oneness, time collapses and there is no urgency.
It’s important to spend time outside of that urgency in order to have perspective on what’s really going on, and on your place in the order of things and what you are called to do. This is why meditation is so important.
Among other things, it allows you to remove yourself from that energetic field of fear-based urgency, and from all the places of urgency that you have no business attending to, because it’s not your work.
That doesn’t mean withdrawing from the reality of what’s going on in the world. Not at all. This is about being clear about what you are called to attend to, and keeping your focus on that.
This allows you to concentrate your energy on your piece, versus dissipating your energy by attending to all the urgencies that are in our world right now.
This is a move out of fear in relation to urgency, and into care, concern, and commitment, brings us into the field we are called to concentrate our energy.
When you’re clear about where you’re meant to concentrate your attention, you move from fear to commitment, care, concern. That’s how you bring intelligence and wisdom to how you approach the urgency, bringing order to your work and life.
Care, concern, and commitment are most fully generated when you can say, “These are my people – my tribe – my community – my loves!” It’s a loving ownership from the heart of your people.
When you have a stake in the ground for their journey, it stirs your heart, roots your conviction, and sharpens your focus. That’s when you become the type of leader that your people need and follow… because people are hungry for leaders they can trust and rely on.
The urgency of the mind is different from the urgency of the heart. The mind often goes into fear around urgency – it needs to fight against what’s going on.
But the urgency of the heart is where wisdom blossoms – and that wisdom is what leads.
The urgency of the heart puts you lovingly on notice about who you’re called to be, so you can show up for your people and do the work you’re called to do, as best as you can.
Paradigm change comes from urgency with the heart. Because with the heart’s wisdom, new paradigms emerge.