Activation Tuesdays

Start your Tuesday with #ActivationTuesdays, live on our Facebook group.

Still Yourself to Make Yourself More Available

Quiet yourself to make yourself more available to what is emerging each moment. There is always this dance between an opening in you and the next evolution of you and your work in the world. There must be readiness within you to receive the next message that wants to come through you. If you aren’t ready to receive it or available for the message it will have no place to land.


Your part in this new story

When you’re asking, “Why isn’t this working?” or “What’s next for me?” or “Where is this going?”, part of the issue at hand is that there’s not readiness and availability within you to receive the next piece. 

Imagine a cup that needs to be filled. If it keeps moving it’s really hard to pour anything into it! But if it gets still and steady, it’s receptive and open to be poured into. And once it is poured into, then you know, “Oh, here’s what I’ve got! Here’s where to go! Here’s what’s next!” 

If you want to have an impact on this world, you’ve got to get quiet. 

Your soul is saying, “I want to lend my ear to hear where this is all going. I want to peek underneath this story that I’m seeing in the news, the story that I’m seeing people talk about, the story that so many people are living out and that I might be living out as well at times. I want to peek underneath that story, to see what’s on the other side. What’s available that we aren’t seeing, that we aren’t living, that we aren’t aware of? What’s available that hasn’t been activated within us yet?”

If you want to peek underneath the veil of the current story (and if you are a paradigm changer, you do want to peek underneath the veil) it requires you to get still enough, open enough, available enough, quiet enough that the story playing out on the surface of the world and maybe the surface of your life gets quiet and recedes into the background.  

The heart of being a paradigm changer is truly understanding another reality – another world – another potential – another frequency of consciousness where we can live a new story… because what you are here to do is to invite people into this new world. 

Remember – at your soul level, you know this new world is possible. That’s part of why you’re doing what you’re doing. You wouldn’t do it if on some level you didn’t know that another story and another reality was possible – for you and for this world.

A great book requires every letter, every word, every sentence, every page and every chapter for it’s story to be told. If you think about your work as being a page in this great unfolding story you will see how necessary that page really is. It’s how the whole story emerges, and when you get quiet enough you will hear what needs to be written, what needs to be said, and what needs to be shared by you. Thank you for being a part of this new story.

Get #MondayInsights

A weekly email broadcast which encapsulates a key nugget of wisdom from the previous week’s broadcast to start your week off. These will generally be messages you can read in 1-2 minutes.